Gistel, your spatial guide

About 70% of all information that people use and exchange with each other, in business, administration and all other activities, have a spatial character. They can be spatially determined and identified.

Today, no human activity can be imagined without the daily use of spatial data and spatial information, from the simple use of interactive maps and navigation to find a specific location, to complex analyzes and systems that process large amounts of data producing information that helps in business decision. Technological progress has conditioned that most people, business and administrative entities encounter spatial information and geoinformation technologies that produce them on a daily basis.

Spatial data and quality spatial information at today’s stage of development of civilization are one of the most important prerequisites for the development of the community and the successful operation of companies. Recognizing the importance of spatial information and geoinformation technologies, we founded Gistel.

Our company is based on consulting, data collection and analysis, promotion, design and development of innovative information solutions in the field of modern business, with a focus on digitalization of business processes, through the implementation of geoinformation technologies and geographic information systems (GIS).

Our company originated from the scientific base of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Banja Luka. Gistel is an example of connecting science and business. Through the realization of projects Gistel engaged a sufficient number of experts from the academic community with the admirable scientific references. This is a guarantee of the implementation of modern scientific achievements and the quality of the realization of work.

Gistel was based on domestic human resources, whose potential base consists of students of geoinformation technologies. Also, Gistel relied on the development of its own products, avoiding ready-made solutions, with a vision of implementation not only locally, but also internationally. In its business, Gistel pays significant attention to establishing cooperation with individuals and related companies.

All interested are welcome to discuss ideas and common progress.

Cooperation is the formula for success.

Prof. Davorin Bajic, PhD

Dragutin Adzic, MA